As wind energy continues to play an increasingly important role in the global energy market, it is essential that all stakeholders are knowledgeable about the acronyms and terminology used in this field. We've started a list for you and in return, we kindly ask you to help us grow and maintain this list for the benefit of all wind energy professionals. Share your most-used industry acronyms by writing Iuliana a quick email at
AEP | Annual energy production |
BIM | Building information modelling |
BOEM | Bureau of ocean energy management |
BoP | Balance of plant |
BYDA | BYDA (Before You Dig Australia), formerly known as DBYD (Dial Before You Dig), is a national free service that provides information about the location of underground utilities. |
CapEx | Capital expenditures |
CC | Component certification |
COD | Commercial operation date |
COE | Cost of Energy |
CVA | Certified verification agency |
DFIG | Doubly fed induction generator |
EIS | Environmental impact study |
EPC | Engineering procurement and construction |
EPIC | Engineering, procurement, installation and commissioning |
FAT | Factory acceptance test |
FIDIC | International Federation of consulting engineers |
FOWT | Fixed offshore wind turbine |
HS | Health and Safety |
HV | High voltage |
HVDC | High voltage direct current |
GIS | Geographic information system |
IEC | International electrotechnical commission |
IPD | Integrated project delivery |
IPP | Independent power producer |
IRR | Internal return rate |
LCOE | Levelized cost and electricity |
LD | Liquidates damages |
LNTP | Limited notice to proceed |
MLA | Mechanical load assessment |
MV | Medium voltage |
MW | Megawatt |
NDT | Non-destructive testing |
NTP | Notice to proceed |
OCS | Outer continental shelf |
O&M | Operation and maintenance |
OEM | Original equipment manufacturer |
OMA | Operation and maintenance agreement |
OPEX | Operation expenditures |
OWF | Offshore wind farm |
PC | Project certification |
PCC | Point of common coupling |
PPA | Power purchase agreement |
RC | Renewable certification |
RFF | Request for feedback |
ROW | Right of way |
SAT | Site acceptance test |
S&I | Supply and installation |
S/S | Substation |
SCADA | Supervisory control and data acquisition |
SMA | Service and maintenance agreement |
SOW | Scope of work |
TAT | Technical assistance and training |
TC | Type certification |
TSA | Turbine supply agreement |
VE | Value engineering |
VSC | Voltage source converter |
WF | Wind farm |
W&S | Wind and site |
WPP | Wind park project |
WTG | Wind turbine generator |
WTIV | Wind turbine installation vessel |