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Cotes, in partnership with UNICEF, is helping to enable fresh drinking water initiatives for those who need it most. Because Cotes adsorption dehumidifiers remove unwanted humidity from the air, we wanted to give that which we take. With the help of UNICEF, we give what we take from the air - water - by helping to provide fresh water to those who need it most in water-scarce communities across the world, through the "WASH" (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) initiative.


WASH Key Results 2023 

35,9 MILLION people gained access to safe drinking water services provided by UNICEF

21,5 MILLION people gained access to at least basic sanitation

24,2 MILLION people gained access to basic hygiene

OVER 7,500 SCHOOLS AND 3,000 HEALTH-CARE FACILITIES were provided with basic WASH services

7,9 MILLION women and adolescent girls were provided with programmes to address menstrual health and hygiene

UNICEF’s Water Game Plan: Universal safe and sustainable water services for all by 2030 aims to ensure universal access to safe and sustainable water services. It emphasises targeting marginalised communities first and accelerating progress towards water service goals.

Enhancing WASH resilience in rural Al-Serif village

In rural Al-Serif village, Central Darfur, 13-year-old Mayada (picture below) faced daily risks collecting water from a collapsed borehole. UNICEF, with its partners, constructed a solar-powered water yard that now safely serves over 22,000 people - highlighting the critical need for sustainable solutions in the face of climate change.

In 2023, UNICEF made significant strides in addressing the impacts of climate change on water security by integrating climate resilience into its WASH  (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) programs. With climate change threatening water supply, 5.4 million people gained access to climate-resilient water systems, and 4.8 million people received better sanitation facilities. Additionally, 68 countries adopted child-focused climate resilience programs, underscoring the urgency of these initiatives.

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Transforming lives - clean water brings new hope to Gandab village

Our support has transformed the lives of 9-year-old Mihnaz and her siblings (picture below) in Gandab village, located in eastern Afghanistan. Through our partnership with UNICEF's WASH initiative, a 4.5-kilometer network of pipes was completed in early 2024, bringing clean, safe drinking water directly to 370 households and a local schools in Gandab village, greatly improving the quality of life for its residents.

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 "My older brother and I used to fetch water 
from the nearby river. The water was not only dirty and unpalatable but also left us exhausted from carrying it every day. Now, this water is much cleaner and tastier, and it is just a step away from our kitchen.“ - says Mihnaz



The Cotes and UNICEF partnership provides fresh drinking water initiatives in communities around the world. In 2022 and 2023, with the help of UNICEF, Cotes has given over 140 million litres of fresh drinking water to those who need it most. In 2024, Cotes will give back even more. 

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