Humidity Management

The issue with humidity

Understanding the "invisible" threat of unwanted humidity in your business processes or production is the first step to finding the right dry-air solution for your business. Explore the issues and start a conversation with one of our experts.

What is humidity exactly?

Humidity is the amount of moisture present in the air.
Absolute humidity
Absolute humidity is the amount of moisture present in a particular volume of air and is typically measured in g/kg.
Relative humidity
Relative humidity is the relationship between the actual amount of moisture present and the maximum amount that the air could contain. Relative humidity is always measured in percentages.
The Issue
Inappropriate levels of relative humidity can result in a wide range of problems in the industrial processes and commercial operations of your business.
The Solution
Cotes dry-air solutions help you establish full control over humidity conditions in the essential structures, equipment and processes of your business.
VIDEO — How it works
Humidity Issues

Control the issue before it's too late

No matter your industry or business, problems stemming from airborne moisture and undesirable humidity can have an adverse effect on your business and production output. We take a closer look at the most common issues related to excessive levels of humidity and the solutions.

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Condensation arises when air – which almost always contains certain amounts of moisture – has a different temperature than the surfaces it comes into contact with, resulting in some of this airborne moisture appearing as condensation.

When the air gets cooler, its relative humidity rises and some of the water vapour present condenses into moisture. The more moisture there is in the air, the more likely that condensation will arise.

This condensation then gives rise to lots of different practical difficulties, pooling on colder surfaces and resulting in lots of knock-on problems that can be both costly and disruptive.


Any combination of airborne moisture and oxygen is a fertile basis for metal corrosion. Iron and steel rust and loose structural integrity, while copper and brass are susceptible to oxidation, affecting the reliability and durability of both electronics and electrical equipment.

Such corrosion can cause serious damage to all kinds of structures, surfaces and equipment, reducing efficiency and shortening service life, as well as pushing up service and maintenance costs.

When relative humidity reaches a level of about 60%, corrosion flourishes. As humidity increases past this point, the rate of corrosion normally increases exponentially. On the other hand, it is virtually impossible for any normal form of corrosion to occur in clean air with a relative humidity of 45% or less.


Mould, fungi and bacterial growths of all kinds occur easily in environments where the relative humidity is high – the humidity helps give them the best conditions in which to spread and flourish.

Hygroscopic materials such as timber, plaster and other building materials have a natural tendency to absorb such humidity. This can give rise to many kinds of mould and rot, affecting structural integrity, value, usability and appearance.

Such growths can then result in significant damage to buildings, materials and products. They also represent a significant health risk for any staff, customers, visitors or other people present within the space.


When there’s lot of moisture in the air and you have no control over it, it’s really a problem waiting to find somewhere to manifest itself.

In low-temperature surroundings, the airborne moisture easily turns into condensation and then into ice. Ice then builds up on surfaces, fixtures and equipment and becomes a major bugbear in day-to-day operations – often giving rise to both hygiene and safety issues as well as requiring expensive, manpower-intensive remedial measures. Ice also accumulates on evaporators and causes increased energy consumption.

The formation of ice often also means stored goods and their packaging get wet and damaged, resulting in product losses and dissatisfied customers.


Moisture and electricity are never a good combination. High levels of moisture in the air – humidity – can often result in faults and operating glitches in electrical installations and sensitive electronics, resulting in many kinds of possible damage and interruptions to service.

Such problems and glitches impact uptime and operational reliability as well as increasing service/maintenance and repair costs.


Uncontrolled humidity often has significant effects on powders and granulates of all kinds – they have an exceptionally large surface area in contact with the surrounding air.

When that air contains large – and/or uncontrolled – levels of moisture, these powders and granulate have a natural tendency to form lumps and clumps.

This in turn affects quality and can cause serious blockages, downtime and repairs in processing equipment. Resulting hygiene issues can provide fertile breeding grounds for bacteria, as well as seriously affecting many kinds of certification and quality approval.

This kind of problem is particularly prevalent in food processing and pharmaceuticals manufacture, but also affects virtually kind of business in which powders and granulates are involved.


In most parts of the world, ambient air conditions fluctuate significantly from one season to another.

Climate change is also resulting in increased uncertainty about weather conditions and the specifications of the air inside and around manufacturing facilities, business premises, residential accommodations and leisure venues.

Seasonal fluctuations in humidity result in inconsistent conditions that can in turn have big effects on product quality, energy consumption and profit margin, as well as overall quality of life.

Unpredictable, fluctuating conditions and lack of control over key operating parameters are never good for business operations.

Adsorption dehumidification

Cotes dry-air solutions

Cotes is the world’s leading expert in adsorption dehumidification technology, providing superbly engineered, low-maintenance humidity management solutions that are remarkably energy efficient.

A Cotes adsorption dehumidifier is a sleekly designed, fully enclosed unit that includes a rotor, geared motor, ventilator fan(s), heater, air filters and an integrated electrical control system.

We can also add other equipment and special heating/cooling capabilities to tackle your specific requirements and priorities. The best technology and the best know-how about how to apply it effectively are a potent combination.

adsorption dehumidification


The effect of Cotes adsorption dehumidifiers basically stems from the action of two flows of air. The process is self-sustaining and requires little maintenance.

VIDEO — How it works
Cotes dry-air solutions

How do you benefit?

Effective humidity management gives you a degree of control over operating conditions that is often crucial for future profitability.

Dehumidification technology is the most cost-effective and environmentally responsible way to tackle many practical problems widespread throughout industry. It’s a relatively straightforward, inexpensive way to implement pro-active measures that help you maintain the value of key structures and other high-value assets, reduce energy consumption, and boost the efficiency of a wide range of industrial processes.

Better control over the moisture in the air gives you:

  • Better control of key parameters that affect your raw materials, production processes, manufacturing installations and fixed assets
  • A way to actively prevent detrimental conditions and events that include condensation, rust and corrosion, mould and rot, electrical faults and spoilt materials
  • Longer service life and better return on investment for structures, buildings and equipment
  • Reduced expenditure on service, maintenance and refurbishment
  • Lower energy costs and reduced environmental impact
Talk to an expert

What is your humidity issue?

Tell us about your problems with humidity and we will connect you with one of our experts in the field.

Do you see or experience:

  • Electrical faults
  • Corrosion
  • Mould and/or listeria contamination
  • Product quality issues
  • Long drying times and loss of production

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