
The Right Way to lead is by example

Cotes responsibility

Part of the Cotes DNA

Being a responsible company has always been part of the Cotes DNA.

In 2022, Cotes decided to broaden our perspective and zoom in on sustainability as a strategic and operational priority. What does it mean for Cotes to operate in a responsible manner? Are we doing it the right way? 

The world has changed significantly over the past few years. It will keep doing so. Navigating sustainability in a changing world is a challenging discipline that calls for more action and a higher level of accountability. 

At Cotes, we recognise the importance of committing ourselves to shaping a better future for people, business, and the planet. Last year, we started our journey to integrate sustainability into the core strategy and culture at every level of the Cotes organisation. 

A good plan goes a long way. Shared action and collaboration remain crucial to our strategy. The right way to lead is by example.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

At Cotes, we have chosen to use the UN Sustainable Development Goals as a framework for our ESG strategy, as they set a common direction for the entire world's development towards 2030.

After a thorough process, we have selected five Sustainable Development Goals to define the work on sustainability at Cotes:

#6 Clean water and sanitation

#7 Affordable and clean energy

#8 Decent work and economic growth

#10 Reduced inequalities

#12 Responsible consumption and production

What does it mean to Cotes?

We want to increase access to fresh water and make it more affordable. Because Cotes adsorption dehumidifiers remove unwanted humidity from the air, we partnered with UNICEF to “give back the water we take”. We have committed to giving up to 70 million liters of fresh drinking water annually.

What does it mean to Cotes?

With our products, we will sustain and prolong the life of wind turbines, battery manufacturing plants, waterworks etc. Ensuring an environment of dry air that supports the green transition to clean and more sustainable sources of energy.

What does it mean to Cotes?

We like to be frank with our Partners and customers, finding the best way to deal with the challenges of unwanted humidity. We want to grow sustainably and ensure the footprint we leave is less than the impact we have in securing the right dry-air solutions.

What does it mean to Cotes?

At Cotes, we are a diversified team in terms of age, nationality and gender. We focus on the qualifications but also on the personality when we hire. That is what makes it great to be part of the Cotes family. That everyone is needed to succeed.

What does it mean to Cotes?

We believe that any resource is precious and that we should use it carefully. We continuously optimize our products by using fewer raw materials, finding alternative materials and designing more energy-efficient solutions.


Becoming the leading provider of sustainable dry-air solutions

We are invested in gaining knowledge and understanding our social and environmental impact. It is the only way to qualify the targets we set for sustainability in 2030 and 2040. We have selected the SDGs where we have the most impact. Educated the organisation and launched the Cotes Ambassador Program.

We embark on the Sustainability journey with the targets below as our guide.

In the first year, we worked with the consultancy SustainX and a Sustainability Manager to get the ball rolling. They helped us develop a common language around sustainability and to understand our impact on the climate and the SDGs. Together we:


  • Selected five SDGs where we have the highest impact
  • Established a CO2 baseline: Scope 1 & 2
  • Launched internal Cotes education
  • Launched the Cotes Ambassador Program
  • Developed sustainability targets and KPI

In 2023 we will deliver on the targets we set by involving the rest of the organisation and our key suppliers to secure the right dry-air solutions. At the same time, we will reduce our impact on the environment and enhance our positive impact on people's lives. We will:


  • Develop a CO2 reduction roadmap
  • Launch an employee sustainability program
  • Engage Cotes Ambassador 
  • Build Sustainability Governance
  • ISO 14001 certified in DK
  • Understand the waste streams and generate baseline
  • Support social development projects with 250.000 DKK annually
In 2024 we will stand accountable to our targets and the actions we have initiated. 

We must demonstrate that we have made meaningful progress towards our targets: 


  • Establish a CO2 baseline: Scope 3
  • Commit to Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)
  • SBTi target for verification
  • Waste reduction roadmap
  • Sustainability assessment of strategic suppliers implemented
  • Monitoring HSE & sustainability KPIs and generating Power BI report
  • Define and implement the process for the sustainability supplier program
  • Implement sustainability policies and processes in a new business integrated management system.
  • Define and design LCA program and perform lifecycle assessment of selected products.
2030 is when we want to meet a 50% reduction in waste generation relative to 2023. 
2040 is the big ZERO for Cotes. This will be the year where we reach net-zero across all scopes relative to 2021. 

Leading by example

Change comes from within, which is why we have initiated the Cotes Ambassadors program to activate systemic change from inside Cotes. 


We give back the water we take from the air

In partnership with UNICEF, Cotes has enabled over 140.000.000 litres of fresh drinking water in 2022 and 2023 and have committed to even more in 2024. Learn more